Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm Reading Breaking Dawn

And I love it! I am so into it, but I know it is unfair that I get to read it first, so i will not be posting anything on my blog! Its not fair that you all have to read it yourselves and stay in suspense like I have but just so you know, you will not be disappointed! It is just as good as her other books. Sorry I will not leak any information. You will all just have to read it!


Kaylene said...

Hair cut hair cut!!!! I don't care if it's a web cam or cell phone shot, I wanna see your hair! Also how's Omani doing? Having fun? I hope we get to see him when we come up NEXT MONTH!!!!! Yippee!!! Can hardly wait to see all of you!

Heather and Eric said...

I am jealous. I can't wait to read breaking dawn. I am going to go get it this moment! We will chat after I get it done.