Sunday, May 18, 2008

Long Weekend

So this has been my weekend, well, since wednesday till sunday night...........

As most of you know, I nanny my sisters 2 kids.

And on wednesday she had the opportunity for her anniversary to go to seattle (with her and her husband) as sort of a get away/business trip. so I had the 2 kids sleep over with me. Well, at the same time, my parents decide they would like to go out of town as well, on those same days! Which, at there house, we have a 16 year old girl,and a 17 year old boy, and a 84 year old grandma in diapers and bed ridden at home. So I had all of them, here I am a married lady, with no kids, going to a married lady with a 1 1/2 year old a 4 year old, a 16 year old, 17 year old, and an old lady. Plus I was helping out my neighbor this week, watching her 3 girls on friday night for 5 hours during that horrible jazz game. And during the day some time. That was a little stressfull! But I made really good money since wednesday. by myself, just for babysitting, i made almost 800 dollars. wow!! So this is my week, (this is sort of like my journal, feel free to skip if you want)
wednesday, Kaylee woke up at 7 am, and was hungry right then. So I was up, got her breakfast, and Taylor breakfast, then we headed off for school. After school, Taylor took a nap, Kaylee and i played around until he woke up. we went to the park, and came back. Tonight it mutual, and the older kids will be gone, so i'll just need to get dinner for the littler kids. I get Kaylee in bed around 830, and I'm starting to lay Taylor down. Well, spencer had decided he would like to have a party to watch the jazz game downstairs, where taylors little bed is. So I decide to not have the kids wake him up, I have him sleep up stairs in my parents bed with me and kaylee. But he will not go to bed, he starts screaming. So i lay by him for a while, and he calms down, and i decide to put him in his bed. he screams, and is yelling he is hungry, which he didnt eat very much dinner. So i get him up, give him a banana, and a drink. I ask if he's ready for bed, which he says no, but i say we're going anyway. After a while of laying by him again, spencers friends leave, so i decide i will put him in bed downstairs where he is comfortable. Sam and I lay by him in our bed, (because I was going to sleep up stairs with kaylee in my parents bed, and sam downstairs listening for taylor in the night in our house) He is almost asleep and I decide to move him into his bed, BAD IDEA!!!! He wakes up screaming, SARA HOLD YOU! UNCLE 'AM HOLD YOU!!! I think he was scared. So I ask if he would like me to sing to him, So I am singing for about 45 min, and spencer (whose room is downstairs too) turns on the light when I almost have him asleep. and taylor wakes up 'ight on? 'ight on? I freak at spencer, yell and turn it off, and he starts screaming again sara hold you. uncle 'am hold you? mommy daddy??? Then he starts asking who is asleep gama peg asleep? papa asleep? mommy nigh nigh? jack (his cousin) nigh nigh? uncle got nigh nigh? kiki (kaylee) nigh nigh? i answer yes, and I lay him back down, and this time i am not singing we are both getting hoarse!! so, i just sit there rubbing his tummy. Then out of no where, a toy goes off, FOR NO REASON! it was the loudest noise. I freak again, and throw it out. he starts screaming again, sara hold you! I am really frustrated by this point. It is almost 11:30 at night!!! Sam comes down, and he is like just let him scream you get out of here. and come watch the last few min of the jazz game. So i did, and after about 15 more min of screaming he FINALLY SLEEPS!!! We all go to bed....
Thursday..... about 5;45 am, i hear my parents door open and all the sudden the two dogs jump up on the bed and scare me and kaylee! I didnt want them to wake her, so I am stumbling to get the two dogs, and the cat and get them out of the room before she wakes up, I get them back in there room and go back to bed... too late... she's awake!!! She sits there and maybe goes back to sleep for a while i dont know, cuz i did, then about almost 7 she says I'm hungry. GRRR then I hear taylor on the monitor, sara hold you! so here starts my morning. Great! I get up, get everyone breakfast early, and I am just trying to stay awake. I am also ya know, changing grandmas diaper, getting her up to see the kids, and feeding her, and tending to her too, dont forget about grandma! And in the afternoon my neighbor asks if I will watch some neighborhood kids while they go to lunch, I agree, and she brings over another 1 year old, a 2 1/2 year old and about a 10 month old, and I've got kaylee and taylor, and grandma. at least the older kids were in school, and sam was playing PS3!!! so, its all of them and me. and finally taylor took a nap, cuz he was so tired from the night before screaming, and the little 10 month old would not stop crying! and grandma wanted to come out to see what was going on with all the kids in the house, and sam was hidding! rude!!!! I end up watching them for 2 hours, talk about wanting a break! they finally leave, and Tay is still asleep, and now kaylee's got a primary activity at the church. I tell sam to listen for tay to wake up, and I will take Kaylee. He says be home by 530 so we can go to his softball game! (this was 3:00). So I head out the door with Kaylee, we get to the church, and they are a small ward, and thank me for coming, and ask if I can help! I dont even know these people, I just wanted a break! I end up having to paint the kids feet with paint and help them stand on a tile that says I will follow the prophet, cute idea just not planned out very well. That made me mad, we left finally grabbed a pizza on the way home sam left for his game a lil early to warm up, I was feeding all the kids and grandma, and then trying to get out the door with the kids to watch sam. I finally get to the game, and the other team doesnt even show up! So we head for the playground (to kill time, and just to spend sometime outside). We then head home and start getting ready for bed. I am really nervous because I dont want a repeat of last night. But things went well, I got the kids down, and at 9 headed off for sam's 2nd softball game. wow alone at last!!!!
Friday... This was my glorious day! I had the kids off at noon! Kaylee doesnt have school, and they dont wake up until almost 830! yay! Tired kids. so we get breakfast and play outside, then we pack them all up, and take them to there other grandma's house for the night! YAY!!! Then sam and I come home and watch Ps I love you, (super sad movie, dont watch that one!!!) Then I have an appointment to get my eyebrows waxed, My little present to myself after the days I've had! then I get back, and I have to watch the 3 girls across the street while there parents went to the jazz game! They didnt get back until mid night. oh well, then I go home and get to bed.

On saturday, Sam has a team BBQ before the game for players and wives and families. We go to that get back at 2. Sam needs to do his pre game rest, so I give myself a pedi, and clean up the house a little. Then he needs to go get "dressed, taped, and pads on" for his game. Which REALLY means the team gets together in the locker room at the school, puts music on really loud and dance around in there under armor stuff pre game. You can hear them shouting the words to the songs and yelling and laughing as you pull up to the game. its quite funny. I go shopping at the mall for some me time! Then I barely make it to the game, and have some nice times with my very good friends Whitney and Hana. Then it is home we go! After the game, sam and I are starving!! we decide we would like to eat Training table, BIG mistake. We get there right after a big group of a dance company get there and we have to wait for nearly an hour for our food. there was seriously like 25 kids ordering right when we were. And they were all loud and running around the whole restaurant. it was so annoying. oh well, then home and to bed.

and here we are on sunday morning, and my parents will be home tonight, and sam and I are going on a nice Jeep ride, JUST THE TWO of us!
WOW what a looooong weekend!!!