Friday, November 21, 2008


I had the utmost pleasure to see twilight last night! It was so awesome. It was a lot better then I thought it was going to be. Sometimes the movie after a book, is not so good, but this movie was so good. I personally thought that Emmitt was  by far more hot then Edward, and Edward is supposed to be the most beautiful thing! Anyway, I got to the theater at 945, and I was the 3rd person there. I was holding the line for my family. Then they trickled in and we had to wait on the floor until 10:30 till they let us line up on the stairs. So pretty soon, a lot of high school kids came and totally waited like a foot in front of the stairs, and when we were standing there I got yelled at! But so they cut us in line! no fair! anyway, we still got the seats we wanted, and we needed 6 in a row. But we had to wait on the stairs from 1030 until 1130. And it was just me and Beka on the stairs, and we were wondering how we were going to save 4 seats! Then my older sister Rachel, told the natzi lady at the bottom of the stairs she had to go to the bathroom, and then on the way back, she got in line with us. Then the same happened with Steph. She "went to the bathroom" and got in line with us!!! So now there was 4 to save 2 seats. It was so exciting! Anyway, the movie was great, I wont say anything here till more people have seen it. But it was great, and I totally want to see it again. 


The Gentry Family said...

I can't wait to see it! I am gonna have to wait until the hype dies down a little bit though...

MarkS said...

Kaylene went last week too, to a midnight showing. I need your opinion though--is this a chick flick or good for both genders? Just wondering whether it's worth me seeing...