Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sammy's Surprise

So, I came home from my trip to Arziona on thrusday, and I came home pretty late. And I walk in the door, and I am looking everywhere for Sammy. I am yelling his name, and I can't figure out where he is. Then.... I see him.... Coming in thru the door from outside, and what do my wondering eyes behold.... THIS!!!

The best part of the whole thing, is, it covered his HIDEOUS tattoo that he had before. I love that part. But now, I get to deal with a HUGE arm tattoo. I was so mad he did that while I was gone. I was so surprised and upset about it, that I cried. I cried for about 20 min. I hated it. I was so mad, I wanted to go back to Arizona! I hope it grows on me.

His tattoo has the south carolina flag and the samoan flag, and then some tribal that his best friend Val (his art work to the right) drew up for him. I just wish it wasnt a sleeve. We had talked about him covering up his first tattoo mistake, but I didnt know it would be a sleeve. I thought it would be a shouulder piece. But wow, needless to say, I was shocked!