Friday, February 20, 2009

Proud of you

So I nanny my niece and nephew quite often. And I had them yesterday. Kaylee (she's 5) has dance on thursday's. While she is at dance I usually take Taylor to the park. And we usually go to the same one, and he always looks longingly at this slide that is soo tall, its the tallest one on that play set. And he never goes on it. He says its too scary. So I dont know what happened, but he was like, sara, I'm doing the big boy slide. And he gets in and goes down. He was so proud of himself. And we were in the car going back to get Kaylee from dance, and I said to him, "Taylor, I am so proud of you for going down the big boy slide. You were so brave!" And he said, "Thanks Sara, I am really proud of you too."
I dont know what I did that made him so proud. But I though tthat was so funny, and so dang cute! What a fun job I have.

Earlier when we were at the park, he found this little boy, and he just saw him from across the way, and he said "Sara, there's my friend!" And he runs over there, I know he has never seen that lil boy before. But Taylor just loves friends. And they were following eachother around, and it was so cute. They kept calling each other friend. And then Taylor was just standin there, and all the sudden his eye's start watering, and I am like what are you doin, he says," My poopin". I started laughing so hard. And then his lil friend came over, and Taylor asked him "do you have poops too?" his lil friend said, "no, I didnt poop." I was laughing so hard.

I love listening to litte kids. They have the cutest little conversations. you can learn so much from them about giving compliments, they think everyone is beautiful and funny. Oh, to be a child again.


Jeff and Rach said...

This is usually the conversation Taylor and I have:

Taylor: "mom did you poop?"

Me: "nope, did you?"

Taylor: "yep"