Monday, September 29, 2008

Utah Football Game

Sam and I went to a football game on Saturday night, because one of his close friends is a sophmore this year, and he was going to get to play in the game. It was so much fun. We had 5 row seats right on the 5th yard line. It was so much fun, we were right in front of the cheerleaders, I got to see my friend Ryan who is a male cheerleader. In this pic he is bottom left
This is Ryan and his throwing partner

Then at half time, we went to get a hot dog and some nacho's and we see this guy, who we've seen before and has tricep implants. I did actually see the scar. My friend Whitney Mapson remembers him!!

Then in the 3rd quarter, Toby made his debut! We were so excited of him and so proud of him! It was so fun to see him actually get out on the this pic he is the one with his leg brought up half way. near the back of the huddle

Then after the game, Sam and I were able to go down on the field, and talk to him and give a hug. We were so proud of Toby!

Also what a fun date night sam and I had. It was nice to do something we both like, I like watching Cheerleaders, he likes watching the game, and we're just having fun together.


Nikki said...

Yeah, I went to the viewing but it was like 7:45 when we got there. I can't come tomorrow, I couldn't find anyone to watch my son and the girl I tend. It was good to see the family again but sad under the circumstances. Sorry I missed you, it would have been good to see you. Oh, and I saw your comment on my facebook wall, I know it was forever ago and I swear I'm not ignoring you. I'm just not on there that much but I'm glad we can blog!

Amy said...

Football games are the best. I'm way nervous for the one this Thursday. We'll have to find each other at some point. ps. I didn't know Ryan was a cheerleader!! Crazy.

The Gentry Family said...

Congrats on the temple thing! That is so exciting. I can't wait for us to do that! :) Cute new pic too.