Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day

So we had a great Labor day. Well let me start with the night before. So we were just in the living room about 9 at night, talking, we had the lights off for some reason, and all the sudden we see someone walking through our yard with a dog, mind you it was RAINING, like pooring out side, why are you outside walking your dog, in the rain I'm thinking. Then all the sudden he's walking through our flowers. I am like what the! Then, he turns his back to us, and his coat says SHERIFF! I was like Sammy that is a sheriff walking with a dog and they are looking for someone. So he runs and opens the door and says whats up guys? They are like we are looking for someone. So he comes in and says lock all the doors! There is a fugitive lose! So we lock them all and we are looking out the windows at all the cop cars in our neighborhood. And then our neighbors are outside, so Sammy goes out to talk to them, and they tell us a story of how it kinda happend.
Well, this "guy" came up to their door, and their little boy who is probably 9 or 10 is walking up to the door and the guy starts yelling is your mom or dad home? so the dad comes up to the door just as the boy is opening it. And he sas can you give me a ride, cuz my car broke down with my family in it. My neighbors wife is yelling NO don't give him a ride. So he says no and slams the door, then all the sudden the police are around. So my neighbor sends his two boys out to look at the next door neighbors house to see if he went over there, cuz they were gone for about a week. So as they are outside, the police stop them, and ask if they have seen this guy and show a picture. They were like yea, he just stopped at my house. So he goes home and tells his parents, and they lock all the doors.
Meanwhile Omini (11) and Kaylee(5) and Taylor (2) are all around and we arent tryin to talk about it, and act normal beacause it is bedtime! And they can feel the excitement! And then my neighbors come over and say it was just a drug deal gone bad up on the busy road, and they caught the guy. so WHEW! But they kids are still excited! Omi and Kaylee have a hard time going to sleep, Kaylee ends up sleeping in with Grandma Peg and Omini wakes up in the night and can't get back to sleep.
Finally everything is in order, and we all fall asleep. Rachel and Jeff get back from New York in the morning, monday Laborday morning, so we decide to head out to breakfast. But before breakfast we had to dress up and get married. This is Kaylee and Taylor.

So we are just sitting at Dee's, Sammy is in the middle of a story, and he just stops and stares. And says, WO, that profile just looked like the prophet. We just kinda laughed and were like where? He was all, comin in the door, we looked and looked, and were like you're just seein things. Then all the sudden the prophet and his wife just walk in the door of Dee's! How stinking cool is that. My mom is all thats because that is the prophet SAM! haha, so I say let me and Omi out, I want to go shake his hand. (plus he is in my stake and so we love to see him and talk to him, cuz he recognizes us) and I said hey, just wondering if we could shake your hand, my lil bro and sister came with me and omi. And Omi was kinda hanging back and was a little star struck, and I was like this is my step-son Omini. President Monson looks at him, and gets his eyes all wide and says to Omini, hey I've got something for you. Leans down to Omini's level and wiggles his ears at him. And says to Omini, I only do that for boys in yellow shirts. (Omi was wearing a yellow one obviously) and Omini was still star struck and was like oh wow. And says, I saw you do that in conference once, wow. Thanks. And we walked away, and sat down to eat.
How cool is that, we got the propthet at Dee's. There wasnt a lot of security, in face he and his wife just came in alone, I am sure there was some around the restaurant bein like normal people so we wouldn't know they were there. But he didnt come in with any secret service, he just wanted a nice lil breakfast with his wife. How cute. As soon as people saw us get up and shake his hand, then alot of other people got up to talk to him. And he took his time with them, and was so nice and caring, he took time to talk to everyone, and pose for some pictures, so I didn't want to bother him anymore, so I just snapped this one from our seat in the restaurant.


Ashley said...

Wow, first that is a scary story, I am glad nothing serious happened. And that is awesome you saw the prophet at Dee's that is cool you talked to him, I liked that he wiggled his ears.

Kaylene said...

Hey, you might want to edit out the personal information like the address and the other lady's relationship with Mom. You never know who could be reading this. :) Oh and the magazine sales man thought he killed her... He only left when he thought she was dead. Ick, huh!

That's so cool you saw the prophet!

I'm glad it turned out to be nothing.

Will Thomas said...

Pretty Cool! About meeting the prophet that is.

Nikki said...

I swear I saw you at that new Albertsons from across the parking lot not too long ago. But you know how it is when you're not sure if it's someone you know or not so you don't want to say anything? So if it was you I'm sorry!

What a story! I saw police canvassing the neighborhood too, with search lights and everything! I watched the news but didn't see anything on it about that. How scary for you that it happened so close!

Nikki said...

Wait!! You're related to Jenni Thomas? I've been reading her belly diaries blog for awhile! What's the relation? What a small, small world!

Peggy said...

Now we know where the prophet hangs out...and that he wiggles his ears for boys in yellow shirts! What a moment for Omini! What a weekend for you three!

Jess said...

I need your that I am private. Actually, email me at so I can get your address to invite you.